Friday, August 24, 2012

Yummy Day

We did art today. Took chocolate icing, smeared it all over some paper and she made designs on it. Leilanis fave part though, was eating it :).

Used up some more leftovers - always a good thing, especially since we'll be moving in the next month, and I really don't relish the thought of moving food with us! Also, I made dressing for our salad! No more buying it (hopefully)

Natalia had her first food. Pears. Not too keen on them, but she loved the eating part. She's been trying to filch bites of my food for the past week now, so I figured it was time to start her on solids. Gonna try different flavors and see how she likes them. Once we move I'll start making my own, but for now I'm making the best decisions I can, I don't feel like adding one more thing to my to-do list at the moment would be wise.

Now I'm just waiting for Natalia to go to sleep so I can too. I think we're all tired.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fish Oil

I've already done several positives, and it's only one in the afternoon!

I've been taking my fish oil (blech) and it actually seems to be working! My mood seems to be happier and I feel lighter. I also feel like I have a bit more energy for my girls! And yes, I know it's not vegan (!), but I figured it's far more important to be here for my girls, and I do NOT want to take medications if I can avoid them. At least I know fish oil is a naturally occuring thing, so I'm putting natural, organic stuff into my and Natalia's bodies. I'm never a fan of meds, but especially not while I'm nursing.

We got all our school done pretty quickly today. I think maybe Leilani needs more challenge, so we're going to increase our workload next week and see how it goes. We may finish our K year early and move on to the next year. We'll have to see.

I came up with a yummy, nutritional lunch using all leftovers - veg baked beans, non-dairy cheese and tortillas for quesadillas; cherry tomatoes, slices cukes, olive oil, basil, oregano and salt for a salad; and chocolate soy milk for more calcium. Leilani ate all her salad, ate some of her quesadilla, and drank a bit of her milk, which is actually more than she noramlly does, so one for the win!

I cleaned the kitchen pretty thoroughly, and I'm coming up with a cleaning schedule to get us ready to move out. It's not the most fun, but it's gotta be done.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cloud Dough

Today we made cloud dough for a sensory experience. I took 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil. Leilani had a blast playing with it. She played with it for nearly an hour! After she was done playing, I asked her nicely if she would clean it all up. She put the lid on the container, got the broom and dustpan, and cleaned it all up, the best she could. I was so proud of her (and myself, for not demanding or ordering, but requesting!).

This one's sorta positive, since I let her deal with the consequences of her behaviour. She had some salad and wouldn't share it, so as she was trying to get the bowl away from my hubby, it flew out of her hand, went upside down, and spilled all over the floor. We had to throw the salad away, and she had no salad. I didn't let her go hungry, but didn't make another salad, either. Natural consequences, sometimes it's so hard not to "rescue" our kids from something that won't harm them, but will help them grow! So, cheers to myself for being strong :).

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Yesterday, I apologized to Leilani for having spanked her in the past. She was so forgiving and loving. Then today, in the true spirit of love and gentleness beget love and gentleness, Leilani apologized, randomly, for having argued and been mean. I'd say that's a HUGE positive!!!

I slept in with Natalia today and Leilani entertained herself. She also picked up all the school supplies that had spilled and put them ALL AWAY....all without even being asked! Once again, me being loving and gentle has helped her be more loving and gentle :)

I'm having us eat all our leftovers instead of making a meal today, so we don't waste food or money. I also, about three months ago, made the decision to become vegan because it's healthier. My reasons have morphed already, Yes, I sincerely and truly believe vegan eating is better for our health, but now I'm also doing it for kind reasons. No animal should be treated the way the food industry treats them (watch Food, Inc to see what I'm talking about).

Friday, August 17, 2012

This Blogs Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to, every so often, remind myself of good parenting moments I've had. Sometimes, at the end of a very bad day, I just can't think of anything good I've done as a parent. So, I'm really doing this to remind myself, on those days, that "hey, look at this good stuff you've done" So this blog may sound a little "brag-y", but that's OK :)

I have two beautiful little girls, ages 5 and 3.5 months. I practice attachment parenting. My 5yo is in kindergarten, and I'm currently homeschooling her for a variety of reasons. The main one being my husband's in the military and we're in the middle of a move, so I a) can't exactly go looking for a school in a city we're not in, and b) she really needs to start formal schooling. So that's my reason for homeschooling her this year. We'll see what next year brings in this realm.

I cloth diaper my baby because it's gentler on her bum, better for the environment and cheaper. I also breastfeed because it's better for her, gives her tons of antibodies, the wonderful bonding, cheaper, and way easier - ie, no need to tote bottles and formula everywhere.

I'm also planning on going back to school. I'd really like to write a book or two. Or more. I want to do something positive for me, because I think then I'll feel more fulfilled. And since I'll be doing something for me, I feel I'll be a better mom for my girls.

Oh, one more thing before I close this post - I was raised being spanked, but don't want to do that to my kids. So I'm in the midst of exploring different options, gentle guidance, positive reinforcement, things like that. After all, a person's a person. no matter how small.